
Follow news from the animal rights movement, updates from Dyrenes Alliance and contributions from members

Lisa Salversen Lisa Salversen

Christmas card from a vegan

Thank you to all of you who are opting out of eating animals this Christmas. For some of you, it's the first time. What you are doing takes a special kind of courage.

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Guest User Guest User

A Merry Vegan Christmas

"Merry Christmas!" we often say to each other at this time, with the expectation that Christmas will be a time full of celebration and colour and love. But how are animal lovers, vegans and animal rights activists supposed to enjoy this time when the feast of hearts breaks your heart into a thousand pieces every time you are reminded of the relentless and constant animal cruelty that goes on all over the world?

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Dyrenes Alliance Dyrenes Alliance

Animal and Vegan Advocacy Summit 2022

Imagine you are surrounded by thousands of people, all passionate and working for the same thing: total animal liberation. That's what it's like to be at the Animal and Vegan Advocacy Summit, one of the world's largest animal rights conferences.

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Dyrenes Alliance Dyrenes Alliance

Historic new declaration for animals!

More than 500 scientists from 39 different countries, specialising in moral and political philosophy, declare that the exploitation of animals is fundamentally unjust and morally indefensible.

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Jason Møller Jason Møller

Dear Christiansborg: Ban mink farming permanently!

On the opening day of the Danish Parliament, Dyrenes Alliance went to Christiansborg to meet our politicians face to face and demand a permanent ban on mink farming in Denmark. Our activists let them know that mink should not be forced to suffer for the sake of "fashion".

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Katrine Ida Olsson Katrine Ida Olsson

CARE 2022

This year, Dyrenes Alliance sent a group on a study tour to Warsaw to attend Europe's leading animal rights conference, CARE. Katrine from Dyrenes Alliance Slagelse has written the following blog post, where she tells about her experiences at CARE.

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Dyrenes Alliance Dyrenes Alliance

Fish Advisory Board

Are you young and would you like to fight for a better world for fish? Then apply to join our new Fish Advisory Board! Here, you can be close to the development of our fish campaign.

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Dyrenes Alliance Dyrenes Alliance

Welcome to Dyrenes Alliance blog!

Are you interested in animal rights and welfare? Would you like to expand your knowledge of effective animal rights activism? Would you like to be kept up to date on animal rights, animal welfare and climate news? Or are you just interested in finding out more about Dyrenes Alliance?

Then you've come to the right place!

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