Recommended resources
Learn more about animal rights and veganism
List of recommended resources
Here you can find recommendations to help you learn more about plant-based food and animal rights.
Below are a number of links to both free material and material that can be purchased. The recommendations are divided by theme to make it easier for you to navigate.
Climate and environment
COWSPIRACY: A documentary examining the impact of animal agriculture on climate and the environment.
SEASPIRACY: A documentary examining the impact of fishing on climate and the environment.
DON'T LOOK UP: A film about two astronomers who discover that a comet is heading for Earth - but no one seems to care.
GITTEMARY.COM: A blog about sustainable living with zero-waste and plant-based diets (there is also a Youtube channel and an Instagram profile).
WHAT'S WRONG WITH HOW WE EAT: A Ted Talk, also available on Youtube, on the impact of meat eating on climate and the environment.
DOMINION: An Australian documentary exploring the morality and validity of our dominion over the animal kingdom.
EARTHLINGS: An American documentary about human use of animals for pets, food, clothing, entertainment and research.
WHY WE EAT PIGS, WEAR COWS AND LOVE DOGS: A book about the psychology behind eating animals by social psychologist Melanie Joy.
MY OCTOPUS TEACHER: A documentary about the unlikely friendship between a human and an octopus.
OKJA: A film about a genetically modified "super pig" and a girl's attempt to save it from the hands of the meat industry.
EATING ANIMALS: An enlightening and thought-provoking book that addresses the issue: Should we eat meat or not? (also available as a documentary)
BEYOND BELIEVES: A book by psychologist Melanie Joy that provides a practical guide for meat-eaters, vegans and vegetarians alike, and how they relate to each other and their friends, family and colleagues.
THIS IS VEGAN PROPAGANDA: A book by Ed Winters that will show you the hidden sides of animal agriculture and give you the knowledge to understand the scale of the problems at stake.
BLACKFISH: A documentary that tells the story of Tilikum, a performing killer whale who killed several people while in captivity.
TYKE ELEPHANT OUTLAW: A documentary about an elephant Tyke's break from captivity and humans' relationship with other species.
POWERARCHY: A book by psychologist Melanie Joy that examines the system that informs all systems of oppression and the psychology that enables it.
THE GAME CHANGERS: A documentary presented by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, Lewis Hamilton, Novak Djokovic and Chris Paul about top athletes and experts who reveal that the best way to excel in sport is by eating plant-based food.
THE PLANT-BASED DIET: A book about the latest research in plant-based nutrition by clinical dietitian Maria Felding and physician Tobias Schmidt Hansen.
HOW NOT TO DIE: A science-based guide to fighting society's worst diseases, through a plant-based diet.
NUTRIONFACTS.ORG: The latest in food science to help you make the healthiest choices for you and your family.
THEY'RE TRYING TO KILL US: A documentary about injustice in the food industry and the intersectionality of systemic racism, poverty and chronic disease.