Community policy
The Community Policy of Dyrenes Alliance
§1. Purpose
Dyrenes Alliance is a youth organisation with young volunteers across the country and a wealth of activity. The majority of our activities involve socialising and organising together around the aims of Dyrenes Alliance. The social life policy is designed to protect everyone who takes part in activities organised by Dyrenes Alliance. The social life policy sets out a number of facts and guidelines to be aware of in order to prevent abuse.
§2. Abuse
Dyrenes Alliance does not tolerate abuse of any kind - physical, psychological and sexual. These include acts that inflict physical or psychological discomfort on another person. Psychological and sexual abuse is a broadly defined category in which we all use common sense and discretion to try to maintain a well-functioning environment. It is better to exercise a precautionary principle and intervene early in a potential psychological and/or sexual assault, as there can be many grey areas in these categories. Examples of abuse of the above nature are: Verbal attacks, threats, isolation, ignoring, bullying, bluster/nudity, taking unwanted pictures, unwanted touching, close intimidation and degrading treatment. Abuse can also happen even if the person does not speak up. This may be because the person is intoxicated or may be gripped by a frozen state of mind (such as anxiety, panic and apathy) that makes it difficult for the person to maintain boundaries. The person may also feel intimidated by a power relationship that may be more or less explicit in the relationship. We encourage that consent to approaching behaviours of a decent nature is sought as widely as possible, for example by asking: Is it okay if we sit close? Is it okay if we talk about this? etc.
§3. Social media
Dyrenes Alliance acknowledges the usual age limits for use, e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. We must also follow the rules of the various sites and applications at all times.
Digital images and videos are widely shared in Dyrenes Alliance, and we should use common sense in their use to prevent online psychological abuse. Requests from others not to use images of them should be followed. You should not share images that might make someone in that image uncomfortable. If in any doubt, ask the person for permission before sharing the image.
§4. Young people under 18
Among young people under 18, we need to pay particular attention to the following:
Neglect, which is negligence in the care and treatment of children and young people. The basic needs of children and young people should be largely met by the association, especially if they are participating in a Dyrenes Alliance event for an extended period. This may include access to food, water, sleeping, safe relationships, clean clothes and getting medical check-ups.
Interaction between children and young people should take place on their terms. Attention should be paid to the signals sent by children and young people, particularly if they are showing signs of frustration or stress. Special attention should be paid to communication with children and young people - voice and choice of words can have a major impact. Humour and sarcasm can be difficult to communicate properly. Communication should be clear and concise. You should ask about behaviour if you are unsure about something.
Sexual acts - sexual abuse of children and young people can be any act or situation where an older, peer or younger person exploits children/young people by engaging them in sexual acts, including taking offensive pictures.
The Sexual Assault Act provides:
The Criminal Code on Sexual Offences against Children and Young Persons makes it illegal to: have sexual intercourse or other sexual relations with children under the age of 15.
Have sexual intercourse or other sexual relations with a person under 18 years of age if the person is entrusted to one "for upbringing" or if the sexual relationship is due to gross abuse of age and experience. As a volunteer, coordinator and employee of Dyrenes Alliance , you are entrusted "for upbringing".
Children and young people must not be violated.
You have a duty to intervene in all cases of abuse of children and young people. You may also have to stop an ongoing situation either by your own action or by calling the authorities. After emergencies are over, the DA office should be informed as soon as possible so that the office can take over responsibility. As far as possible, refrain from investigating the matter by questioning the parties involved, or putting words into the child's mouth, as this may interfere with a police investigation.
With children and young people, the Social Services Act also stipulates that the authorities must be notified if it becomes known that a child or young person is being subjected to violence, abuse or neglect by parents or other carers.
§5. Other conditions
As a rule, we do not have gender segregation. Private bathing facilities should be encouraged. You can always inform Dyrenes Alliance, if you want a gender segregation, then it must be assessed whether it can be accommodated.
The food in Dyrenes Alliance is plant-based. Animal products are unwanted at Dyrenes Alliance events. Special dietary requirements and allergies should be catered for.
Alcohol is not prohibited, but you must not be excessively drunk, as it can be a great nuisance to our members. Young people under 18 should be specially supervised. In addition, of course, we follow all alcohol-related laws.
No euphoriants are allowed, including cannabis. This means that you may not carry, consume or be under the influence of any euphoric substance.
Dyrenes Alliance does not tolerate arbitrary discrimination, particularly in relation to religion, gender, sexuality, colour, identity and ethnicity. Everyone is welcome and meets equally.
Harassment of volunteers, members and staff, whether online or physical, will not be tolerated.
At Dyrenes Alliance , we value that everyone in the association treats each other with respect and kindness. This includes a commitment to fostering an environment where empathy, understanding and compassion are the foundation of our interactions.
We recognize that each person has unique values and backgrounds, and we strive to respect and value this diversity in our community. Friendly and respectful interactions are essential to building a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and heard.
When participating in activities, events or public gatherings, either wearing DA merchandise or participating in a DA activity, it is important to remember that you are an ambassador for our organization. The following guidelines must be followed:
Professional behavior: Always behave professionally and respectfully.
Adherence to values: Your behavior must reflect DA's values.
Positive communication: Promote DA's mission and work in a positive way.
Responsible behavior: Avoid behavior that could make DA look bad.
In the event of any breach or suspected breach of the Community Policy, the Secretary General of Dyrenes Alliance, Deputy Secretary General, President or Vice President must be notified as soon as possible. In cases of criminal activity, the police and authorities should be notified first. The Secretary General and/or Deputy Secretary General may expel anyone who violates the Community Policy.
Last changed and approved by DA management: 15/07/24
Changes are written in italics.