Support our work
-Give an anniversary gift
Dyrenes Alliance fylder 16 år i år
Support Dyrenes Alliance with a donation
We've been a part of that:
Get more than 200 companies to join the fur-free list.
Ban dog and cat fur in Denmark.
Get elephants out of the circus.
Ban cosmetic testing on animals in the EU.
Ban the production and sale of fox fur in Denmark.
Ban the sale of non-Greenland seal fur in Denmark.
Rally hundreds of young people in the fight for animals
Open 16 local branches across Denmark.
Your contribution will go to
Helping thousands of people switch to a more animal-friendly lifestyle
Engage and empower youth to be active in a just world for animals and the environment
Creating student jobs and career opportunities
Hvis du foretrækker at sende penge via bankoverførsel kan du bruge:
Reg.nr: 8401
Kontonr. 5478146
(Skriv gerne “Donation” i tekstfeltet)
You can make a difference
Our work is completely dependent on our members. There would be no activism without volunteers and there would be no association without financial support.
That's why we are deeply grateful to everyone who supports Dyrenes Alliance and our work for a better world for animals and the climate.
If you are not yet a member, you can become one here or become a super supporter and donate money to our common cause via the donation form on this page.
Donate as a company or via a will
If you wish to donate as a company or via a will, please send an email to info@dyrenesalliance.dk.
If you want to become a member for 75kr. per year, click here
You can get tax deductions for a total of DKK 18,300 for donations to associations and organizations.
If you provide your CPR number in the form above, we will report your donation to the Danish tax authorities. You can also always write to us at info@dyrenealliance.dk if you want to donate in another way or donate as a company and want a tax deduction (remember to include your CVR number).
Please note that membership fees are not eligible for deductions.
Read more about deductions for contributions to charitable associations on Skats website here.
Your contribution goes towards a vegan future
For the past 15 years, the Animal Alliance has been at the forefront of animal rights and activism. Our efforts are not only a fight for animals, but also an investment in the future champions of the future: young people.
When you donate to the Animal Alliance, you are contributing directly to the cause:
Developing youth activism: We believe in the power of youth. Their passion and energy are essential to creating lasting change. Your donation supports programs that educate and empower young activists to continue the fight for animals.
Creating student jobs and career opportunities: Through our network, we offer student jobs where young people can develop their skills while working for a cause they are passionate about. We help them bridge the gap between their academic interests and a career in animal rights.
Supporting innovative activism: We invest in innovative projects and campaigns that have the potential to create tangible change for animals. Your donations enable us to take bold steps and explore new methods in our work.
Animal rights instead of welfare campaigns: The world is ready to make the transition from eating animals to eating plants. We're not using your contribution to maintain a pernicious animal food system - but to break it!
Your influence reaches into the future
Thanks to your support, the Animal Alliance has been able to develop a strong generation of animal advocates for 15 years. But our work is far from finished. There are still many battles to be fought and many young people to be empowered.
Make a difference
Your donation today means we can continue our work and expand our impact. Together we can make a difference for the animals and for future generations.
Become part of our mission. Support the Animal Alliance today.