What you should know about chickens
The truth about a chicken's life
Turbo growth causes respiratory distress and pain
Turbochicken is a term for the most common industrial chicken, bred to grow extremely fast - from 45 g to a giant of over 2 kg in about 35 days. No chicken can grow that fast without serious consequences.
The unnatural turbo growth causes serious health problems: respiratory distress, organ failure, paralysis and walking difficulties.
3 out of 4 chickens experience varying degrees of walking difficulty because their legs cannot support the massive weight of the body. In some cases, this can lead to slow starvation as the legs fail completely. The turbo growth stresses the internal organs and the chickens risk dying of heart failure.
Minimal space is stressful
Danish broilers live in a very limited space with up to 40,000 birds in one hall. As they approach slaughter time, there may be up to 20 chickens in just 1 m2.
You can imagine a small bedroom of 10 m2 filled with 200 chickens.
Save animals by choosing plant-based
The fates of wildlife are closely linked to the choices we make about our diets. When we think about the suffering experienced by turbo-grown industrial chickens, it's important to remember that we have the power to make a positive difference. By taking the step towards a plant-based lifestyle, we can help save countless animals from similar fates.
Plant-based diets and vegan lifestyles mean not consuming animal products such as meat, milk and eggs. By choosing this lifestyle, we reduce the demand for industrially farmed animals, including the poor chickens that suffer from turbo growth.
A plant-based diet is not only good for animals, it also has positive impacts on the environment and our health. It reduces water consumption, decreases air pollution and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, helping to combat climate change. At the same time, it has been shown to have health benefits, such as lower risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
By taking this simple step and choosing a plant-based lifestyle, we can all play an active role in protecting wildlife and promoting better lives for animals. It's a way to show compassion to all creatures on our planet and help create a fairer world for animals. So let's work together for a future where animals no longer suffer unnecessary pain and degradation because of our choices.
Switch to a plant-based diet today and be part of the solution for animals and our planet.