Dyrenes Alliance

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Press release: youth association wants to close aquaculture for good

Youth association wants to close sea farm for good

The youth association Dyrenes Alliance launched on Saturday its brand new campaign, Free Finders. This happened at a launch event at Aarhus Volunteer Centre on Saturday, where young activists celebrated the new effort for fish. Here, they unveiled their campaign goal, namely to get Denmark's sea farms closed forever.

Hundreds of thousands of fish are mistreated every year in Denmark's 19 fish farms. In the circular net cages, they are vulnerable and powerless. They are crammed together with masses of other fish. They are never allowed to swim freely or use their natural instincts. Periodically, sea farms are hit by a deadly virus that is particularly contagious in the densely packed cages and can cause the fish to bleed internally, darken their fins and pop their eyes.

"Fish are vulnerable creatures that can feel pleasure and pain, just like cats, pigs and humans can. We hope the new government will take responsibility for the worrying conditions of fish in Danish farms," said Victoria Santos, President of Dyrenes Alliance.

Poison for the sea

In Denmark, we treat the sea like a dustbin. Ocean farming is poison for the sea, which pollutes with huge amounts of chemicals, feed waste, excrement and medicine residues. With catastrophic consequences for the marine environment in the form of, among other things, oxygen depletion, bottom sedimentation and fish kills.

Danish sea farms have given rise to countless scandals. There are regular spills of fish from sea farms. In November, as many as 70,000 rainbow trout escaped from Musholm Havbrug, causing great harm to the surrounding marine environment. 

Dyrenes Alliance is an activist youth association with 16 local associations in different parts of Denmark. Since 2008 they have been working for a just world for animals. 


For more information about the campaign, please contact Dyrenes Alliance here.