Dyrenes Alliance

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Dear Christiansborg: Ban mink farming permanently!

Activism at Christiansborg

On the opening day of the Danish Parliament, Dyrenes Alliance went to Christiansborg to meet our politicians face to face and demand a permanent ban on mink farming in Denmark. Our activists let them know that mink should not be forced to suffer for the sake of "fashion".

And it was not only the many passing politicians who noticed our demonstration, but also media like DR, TV2 and Jyllands Posten who covered the action.

Mink need space and have the right to freedom

Mink are active, solitary predators that can never thrive in captivity. In the wild, they are solitary and can hold territories up to 2.5 km2, which they do not share with other adult mink. They are active, curious and inventive animals. They have webbed feet and spend much of their time in water. They hunt both on land and in the water. All of which cannot be accommodated on mink farms.

Currently, mink farming is only temporarily banned until 2023, but after that, we risk millions of mink suffering in cages again. That's why it's crucial to push for a permanent ban.

What you can do

If you agree with us that breeding and killing mink for their fur should be permanently banned, sign our petition by visiting DropPels.dk.

And if you're ready to do even more to help animals used for their fur and skins, consider becoming active in the DA and/or donating today.

You can find more information about fur and the animals killed to produce it here - or read an opinion piece about politicians' unwillingness to ban mink farming here.