10 reasons to go vegan

Why go vegan? Ten reasons to go vegan

Plant-based food is good for you, the animals and the planet - and there are so many ways to make exciting, delicious food.

I Dyrenes Alliance we fight for the idea that animals shouldn't be subjected to pain and suffering just because humans want to exploit them. But actually, there are many different reasons to eat plant-based. So why go vegan? And what are the reasons to eat plant-based? That's what we'll try to give you an insight into here.


Here are the 10 reasons to go vegan

broiler chickens are an example of animals with poor animal welfare

1. Animal welfare

Conventional farming is one of the biggest causes of animal abuse and neglect. Over 99% of animal products consumed in the US come from conventional farming and what is known as "factory farming".

An example of this isthe broiler chickens whom are bred to have an unnatural body that grows too fast and causes health problems. In addition, they live in conditions such as too little space, never see sunlight and are slaughtered just five weeks after hatching from the egg.

By choosing a vegan diet, you can help reduce the demand for animal products and therefore reduce the amount of pain and suffering inflicted on animals.

climate protest

2. Environment and Climate

Animal agriculture emits huge amounts of greenhouse gases and is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to climate change. According to a study by the Worldwatch Institute, animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of the total amount of greenhouse gases emitted worldwide. That's more than the entire transportation sector!

Furthermore, animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of deforestation and water pollution. A vegan lifestyle requires only a third of the land area and water needed to produce meat for an animal-based diet. Furthermore, a vegan diet emits far fewer greenhouse gases.

Therefore, if you care about sustainability, climate, environment and nature, it may be a good idea to switch to a plant-based diet.

bowl of berries

3. Health

A plant-based diet can have a number of health benefits. It can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, blood clots and various cancers. According to a study by the American Dietetic Association, vegetarians have a lower risk of obesity, high blood pressure and heart disease.

What's more, a vegan diet contains everything your body needs - as long as you make sure you eat a varied diet, including whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and legumes.

dried crops

4. World famine

Animal agriculture contributes to world hunger. According to a study by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States, it takes more than half of the world's crops to feed farm animals, while only 12% of the world's population is fed from these animal products.

This means that we are currently losing a lot of food by feeding animals instead of turning the crops into food for humans. Furthermore, animal agriculture requires much more space. If we use this land to produce plant-based food instead, we could feed many more people in the world.

purple flower and bee

5. Biodiversity

Animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of wildlife extinction and a major threat to our biodiversity.

According to a study by the World Wildlife Fund, animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, the destruction of natural habitats and the extinction of wild animal, insect and plant species.

litter in the sea

6. For the sake of the sea

Animal agriculture is contributing to the deterioration of the quality of our seas, due to water pollution and overfishing.

According to the World Wildlife Fund, animal production is causing ocean dead zones and pollution. "Ocean dead zones are areas in the oceans where oxygen saturation is so low that most life dies.

By going vegan, you are not supporting the animal agriculture that is destroying the world's oceans.

foxes from the fur industry

7. Personal ethical choice

Many people choose to switch to a vegan diet because they believe it is morally wrong to harm and kill animals when it is not a necessity.

This applies to the meat industry, animals in entertainment, laboratory animals, animals that are killed for their skin, fur, feathers and the animals that are harmed due to the climate change we are causing.

Do you agree that it's wrong for innocent animals to suffer? Then you should go vegan.


8. Animals are intelligent and sentient beings

Animal breeding is often unnatural and prevents animals from performing their natural behaviours. Studies have shown that many animals, such as chickens, pigs and cows, have complex cognitive abilities and emotions. The meat, egg and dairy industry causes animals to be separated from their families and conspecifics, causing mental and physical suffering.

By choosing a plant-based diet, you contribute to a more humane treatment of animals.

vegan food

9. Save money

Often a vegan diet can be cheaper than an animal-based diet.

Protein sources such as beans and lentils are often cheaper than meat and, especially in times like these when prices are rising, switching to a plant-based diet can save money.

vegan food

10. Exciting food

A plant-based diet opens up a new world of exciting dishes - and no, of course, vegans don't just eat salads.

There are many ways to make exciting, healthy food without compromising animals or the environment.

If you are interested in plant-based eating, you can sign up for the Vegan Challenge. For 22 days, you'll get inspiration and recipes to help you get started with the vegan lifestyle.



  1. Worldwatch Institute, "Livestock and Climate Change" (2009)

  2. American Dietetic Association, "Position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada: Vegetarian Diets" (2009)

  3. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, "Livestock's Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options" (2006)


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