Do you drink milk?

Then we challenge you to watch this video

When you buy milk or other dairy products, do you wonder where it comes from? It's probably no surprise that it doesn't grow on trees.

The story behind a glass of milk is often much more complex and heartbreaking than you realize. Animals pay a high price for our consumption.

You can speak up - your choice saves lives

Change starts with the individual, and that's where you come in. If this video has touched you, or if you just want to make a difference, we encourage you to take the Vegan Challenge. The Vegan Challenge is a 22-day program that gives you support and inspiration to start a plant-based lifestyle. You will be guided with daily recipes, helpful tips and personalized support.

It's an opportunity to take a step towards a more compassionate and sustainable world, and we'll be there to help you every step of the way.

Want to take the step? Click the link below to sign up for the Vegan Challenge now.

If you want to learn more about milk and the dairy industry, you can read more here