Free Fins
We fight tirelessly to give fish
You can make a difference. Be the voice of the fish.
Want to make a difference? Here are two ways you can help change the conditions for fish.
Start with your diet: By stopping eating fish, you are actively making a choice not to support the suffering fishing industry.
Sign the petition to shut down aquaculture. Use your voice to speak up for those who can't.
Your choice makes a difference
Be the voice of the fish

Aquaculture can be described as the ocean's version of farming, where fish are raised in large cages of nets placed in the sea. Here, masses of individuals are mistreated and deprived of their basic rights. In Danish aquaculture, fish are squashed together, plagued by stress and disease, without ever being able to swim freely. In Denmark, we have 19 aquaculture facilities that breed around 3 million fish annually.
At Dyrenes Alliance we say no to animal cruelty in Danish waters!
Aquaculture has tragic consequences for the environment. The 19 Danish fish farms expose our oceans to a toxic cocktail of chemicals. Tons of copper sulphate, antibiotics and formalin are dumped directly into our oceans with no way to clean the water.
The ocean is the lungs of the Earth and absorbs around 30 per cent of the CO2 produced by humans. When aquaculture disturbs marine ecosystems, it can disrupt these processes. Protecting the ocean is necessary to mitigate the effects of climate change. Closing down aquaculture would be in line with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, the 14th of which is to conserve and sustainably use the world's oceans, seas and marine resources.
Because fish look different from us - they have scales instead of skin, and gills instead of lungs - fish are often misunderstood and are particularly vulnerable to animal cruelty. Despite the scientific consensus that fish are capable of feeling joy, pain and sadness. Often living in complex social groups, fish develop deep personal relationships and experience pain and fear when injured. They show affection by rubbing against each other and communicating with low-frequency sounds. These creatures are each their unique individual, as entitled to freedom and basic rights as dogs, pigs and humans.

Save fish: Eat plant-based
One of the absolute best ways to make a difference for fish is to stop eating them - and in doing so, support the industry that is causing them to suffer. Taste the future - sign up for the world's tastiest challenge, the Vegan Challenge, and live plant-based for 22 days.
Join the Vegan Challenge here
Join the Vegan Challenge and get lots of knowledge and inspiration on how to switch to a plant-based diet.

Sign a petition
for the freedom of fish
Use your voice to help Dyrenes Alliance make a difference for finned sentient beings .
Help us pressure politicians to ban aquaculture in Denmark and save millions of abused fish in captivity.
Sign the petition to shut down Danish aquaculture.
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