Become an Animal Ambassador

What does it mean to be an animal ambassador and how can you join the fight for a greener and more compassionate world? On this page, we have gathered some of the most important information about Animal Ambassadors.

If you want to know more, feel free to contact us here.

What is an Animal Ambassador?

To be an animal ambassador is to fight for animals. There are many different ways to do this, and we will start by focusing on canteens. Food production is where most animals are exploited and killed, and that's where we can make the biggest difference.

Of course, it's up to you to decide how much you want to get involved. It can be anything from writing one email to holding workshops or becoming active in the animal rights movement. It's up to you!

How can you join?

There are a million different ways to be an advocate or activist for animals, so you have to find what suits you best. This is where Dyrenes Alliance can help with support, experience and information. You will be part of a community of young people who can do activities together and exchange experiences, inspiration and information across Denmark.

Why join Animal Ambassador?

There are many good reasons to fight for a vegan world, but here are three of the biggest:

The animals This is by far the most important reason for us, in Dyrenes Alliance. Animals like pigs, cows, chickens, fish, mink and many others, feel pain and pleasure, can form relationships with each other and have free will. These are some of the reasons why humans should not exploit animals for their own gain. Instead, animals should be free to live their lives in as natural a way as possible, without the prospect of being exploited and slaughtered when humans feel like using their body parts.

Health and wellness The plant-based diet (with minimal intake of processed products) is one of the healthiest diets available to humans. There's a reason why, over the past few decades, the trend among governments around the world has been to recommend less animal products and far more vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains and nuts. It has also been proven many times that a plant-based diet can prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease, and even improve or cure them in some cases. The way we keep animals is also responsible for most zoonotic diseases, which are the most widespread among humans.

The climate Most of us are very aware of the man-made climate crisis we are in. Many of us have made changes in our everyday lives to become more climate-friendly - such as cycling or using the bus more, buying recycled products and using less plastic. But did you know that the most emitting industry in Denmark is agriculture, which accounts for over 30% of CO2 emissions? The vast majority of this is due to animal agriculture. In addition to CO2, agriculture's huge production of nitrogen contributes to the death of marine life around Denmark and groundwater pollution.