Fish Advisory Board: Meet the team behind the Free Fins campaign
Fish Advisory Board: The advisory board behind the campaign for fish rights
At Dyrenes Alliance, we have lots of cool and talented activists who are dedicated to fighting for animal rights - including the fight for fish. We are super excited to introduce the members of the Fish Advisory Board! Our committee of passionate activists who are passionate about making a difference for fish and advising on our new campaign, Free Fins. Since the launch of the campaign last September, they have been meeting regularly to provide feedback on the secretariat's campaign work and help create important activism for marine life. Each member brings their unique perspective and skills to the board, where they work together to brainstorm ideas, provide feedback and set the course for our campaign. In this post, meet the faces behind the Fish Advisory Board and read about their inspiring journey towards a better world for fish.
Meet the Fish Advisory Board
Aileena (she/her)
I am part of FAB because I believe that fish do not get the attention they deserve. Fish are often overlooked and the mere fact that they are measured in weight instead of individuals when it comes to fishing is extremely frightening. That's why I want to be part of the movement to make sure that fish are seen as the beautiful and amazing animals they are.
For the last 2.5 years, I have worked a lot for the animals as a coordinator and activist, and I use this experience in FAB. In addition, I am educated as an educator & salesman and have thus learned to communicate in a professional and empathetic way, which is certainly beneficial for our work. :)
Christian (he/him)
Fish are mostly seen as a resource and not as the amazing and tough individuals that they are. For far too long, humans have just been fishing away, and as a result, only a small percentage of the ocean's original fish population remains. I am part of FAB to help rectify this problem and give fish a chance to be "heard" 😉 As a marine biologist specialising in fish, I bring scientific input and a lot of knowledge about fish and their way of life. I have always loved the sea and its animals and am therefore very passionate about helping out!
Maya (she/they)
Fish are amazing and underappreciated creatures that are some of the most important to all life on earth. Unfortunately, most people don't care much about the well-being of fish, which is why I feel that the Fish Advisory Board is a great opportunity to make a big difference for them. Here you become a bigger part of the DA's fish campaign, whose ultimate goal is to shut down the fishing industry, which would save many, many millions of lives. I think that's something worth working for! ❤️
Some skills and interests that I use in relation to the board are my experience in outreach, my huge passion for animal rights and my creative side. And it certainly doesn't hurt to work with some amazing and equally passionate people! 😉😍
Astrid (she/her)
I'm on the Fish Advisory Board because I want to help make a difference for fish, which are often not seen as the sentient beings they are. I am 25 years old, a feminist and have been vegan since 2016, and like many vegans, I wish I had become vegan sooner. It feels like the most natural thing to stand up for those who have no voice and cannot defend themselves - all animals deserve freedom!
I am currently completing my Master's degree in Danish at the University of Copenhagen, and on the Fish Advisory Board, I do my best to contribute with my linguistic and design skills as well as SoMe experience. Fighting for animal rights is one of my biggest passions, and it is hugely rewarding to be a small part of an empathetic and hard-working team like the Fish Advisory Board. I am very much looking forward to all the work that will be produced for the Free Fins campaign and to continue to use my voice on behalf of animals both online and offline.
- Warmth and vigour!
Louise Anna (she/her)
Fish are one of the most vulnerable animals in the animal rights movement and I feel very privileged and lucky to be able to work for such an important cause as free fins for fish. As Campaign Manager for our Free Fins campaign, I facilitate the meetings of the Fish Advisory Board. I am so grateful for our awesome board members who are willing to dedicate their time and creativity to provide feedback, input and help with campaign tasks. As the person in charge of a campaign, it's incredibly valuable to have others to bounce ideas and projects off of, and our meetings together are always super warm and cosy.
Would you like to join us?
Are you young and would you like to fight for a better world for fish? Then apply to join our Fish Advisory Board! We meet every other week at Google Meet and there are no skill requirements - as long as you're passionate about being a voice for fish.