Dyrenes Alliance

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Youth association launches new campaign for fish: "We won't stop until all fish are free"

Free Fins

The Youth Association Dyrenes Alliance is launching their brand new campaign, Frie Finner, on Saturday, January 7th. This will take place at a launch event at Aarhus Volunteer Center at 17-20, where young activists, staff and all curious people will celebrate the new effort for fish. Here they will unveil their ambitious campaign goals that will set the direction for their activism for animals.

President for Dyrenes Alliance, Victoria Santos, looks forward to the association's future focus on fish. "Just because they look different from us - having scales instead of skin, gills instead of lungs - fish are often misunderstood. But we have many things in common with finned animals. For example, they often live in complex social groups, have unique personalities and experience pain and fear when injured. At Dyrenes Alliance , we're fighting for a world where fish are not abused, confined or exploited by humans - and we won't stop until all fish are free," she says. 


The most vulnerable group of animals 

Fishing is a disaster for the sea and its inhabitants. It is estimated that between 2 and 3 billion fish are killed by humans every year. This makes fish the most vulnerable group of animals in the livestock industry. Some 94% of the world's fish stocks are overfished or on the verge of being so. 

All are welcome

The launch event on Saturday will feature a presentation of the campaign from campaign manager Louise Anna Ladegaard. This will be followed by a screening of the documentary, "How Conscious Can A Fish Be?". Ryuji Chua, the director of the documentary, will do us the honour of presenting his documentary and talk about why focusing on fish is fundamental in the fight for animal rights. All are welcome.

About Dyrenes Alliance

Dyrenes Alliance is an association for young people with 16 local associations in different parts of Denmark. Since 2008 they have been working for a better and fairer world for animals. 


Journalists are very welcome to our launch event for the fish campaign on 7 January in Aarhus Frivilligcenter from 17-20.

For more information, contact Dyrenes Alliance here.