Dyrenes Alliance

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Christmas card from a vegan

Thank you to all of you who are choosing not to eat animals this Christmas.

For some of you, this is the first time. What you are doing takes a special kind of courage.

I still remember Christmas 2004, when I refused to eat my grandfather's delicious (yes, I admit it) homemade roast duck for the first time.

It was one of the hardest things I had ever done.

It was not helped by the fact that my sweet grandparents did not understand my ethical motivation but took it personally that I opted out of their traditional meal.

I had created sadness and disappointment on Christmas Eve, even though I only wanted Christmas peace for both people and animals.

It's seen as anti-social and alienating when not everyone at the table shares exactly the same meal, and since it's often the omnivores who hold the majority of the company, it's automatically the animal lover who stands out as the defiant one.

But you should know that it gets easier for your family every year you stick to your convictions.

Few can fail to respect the firmness of principle that has been consistently demonstrated over the years.

And every year brings more truths about the unspeakable horrors and crimes committed daily by animal agriculture that even the most savvy can't help but have heard about in the news.

Every year we are closer to the vegan future. 

The first Christmas as a vegan is tough.

It takes a commendable serenity and strength to sit at a table with the corpses and body parts of several different animal species, and still keep the Christmas peace with your loved ones.

I don't think that part has gotten much easier. On the contrary, every Christmas it makes me sad that another year has passed, but that those I love still choose to indulge and gorge themselves at the expense of others. 

Even though most Danes know better, and even though I have eaten a delicious green Christmas menu and shown that nothing is missing.

But by standing firm, we are helping to create new, more sustainable and sympathetic Christmas traditions.

No matter how traditional one may be, it does not give ethical carte blanche to kill others for a fleeting sensory experience, and it is brought home to many this Christmas to sit at the table with someone who refuses to participate in that practice.

Your choice makes a huge difference.

Christmas is best when it is not celebrated at the expense of others. 

Merry Green Christmas to all new vegans, old vegans, and all of you who are about to take the plunge into a more compassionate and climate-friendly world.

You are strong and you are important.

Glædelig jul til alle dyrevenner <3

This blog post is written by Lisa Salversen - Senior District Coordinator, DA Aarhus Local Associations